Deck 10 Home

Reach the World

Host immersive and engaging seminars, concerts and conferences online, with ease.

Telematic Opera

Amazing results for amazing clients

Why host digital or hybrid events?

Elevate Experience

Flexible scheduling, on-demand archive access, easy-to-use virtual lobby and seamless social interactions: all these add up to a wonderful event experience for your audiences.

Reach More Audience

With the ability to extend your events to global audiences over the Internet, you can easily reach far more audience than you ever could, instantly maximizing your impact.

Reduced Cost

No need to rent expensive venues to host your events! With our easy-to-use backend management system, you can also downsize your admin & staff team to further optimize your operating cost.

Why choose Deck 10 for your events?

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Audience Matters

Immersive Experience

Your audiences will feel right at-home in the Deck 10 Virtual Lobby. Explore events, access archives, join breakout rooms, network with peers, start instant private and group video calls, and so much more!

Never Isolated

Socially Connected with Peers

Your audiences will always be just one click away from interacting with their peers. Chat, discuss, and talk! Start private or group video calls if texts aren't enough. Keep the social interactions going even during concerts and presentations. Applaud, engage, and enjoy the social presence of fellow audiences!

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Pre-Recorded or LIVE

HD Audio & Video

Deck 10 leverages cloud technology to broadcast your event streams in HD quality to your global audiences. Even our peer-to-peer video call platform, Deck 10 Studio, is also optimized for HD quality as it was designed to support live music performances and masterclasses.

Never Isolated

Virtual Concert Stages

Need to put on a show? Use the Virtual Stage to host concerts or seminars. Arrange the program lineup and deliver a streamlined experience to your audiences. As your events progress from one to another, your audiences can engage with others via the built-in social interactions to discuss, applaud and even throw confetti!

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Intuitive Content Navigation

Streamlined Session Access

Have multiple event tracks or dozens of sessions? Or have dedicated breakout rooms or fixed-media showcase rooms? With the interactive timeline in the Virtual Lobby, your audiences will be able to browse and navigate among your events with ease.

Your audiences can also bookmark selected events and rooms to create a personalized calendar for faster access.

Organize with Ease

Easy to Manage

If you've ever hosted events before, you know how hard it is to do it well. With the Deck 10 backend system, hosting and managing your digital event is 10 times easier.

Easily create and manage your events lineup, media assets, and speakers/performers. During the event, stay informed with realtime analytics and data about where people are. Be always in-the-know with what's happening now and what's next.

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Willamette University Fall Concert 2020
An internet trio on Earth Day Art Model 2021
Best of Both World

In-Person + Digital = Hybrid

Enjoy in-person event? Host a hybrid event where you have people joining you in-person and from online!

Use the Deck 10 virtual conference system to connect both groups of audiences together! With on-site events streamed via Deck 10, everyone can browse, access and engage with peers at any time. This setup also allows on-site participants to go back and access archives, if necessary, maximizing scheduling flexibility.

Meet Our Team

Dr. Scott Deal

Co-Founder, Networked Art Specialist
Scott Deal engages pathways of networked computer interactivity, media, and electroacoustic music. His recordings have been described as “soaring, shimmering explorations of resplendent mood and incredible scale”. Deal is an award-winning creator, producer, author and performer. He is the Director of Tavel Arts and Technology Research Center at IUPUI, Indianapolis.

Chuiyuan Meng

Co-Founder, System Engineer
Mr. Chuiyuan Meng is a Senior Lecturer in Music Technology at IUPUI and the system engineer of the Deck 10 systems. Mr. Meng is focused on the design and development of next-generation networked systems to facilitate virtual conferences and concerts with tightly integrated social interactions and to elevate the user experience of digital social gatherings.
Why Choose Us?

Running Through the Numbers

Clients Served
0 +
Events Hosted
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Audiences Reached
0 +

Free Consultation

All events include free consultation, so your events are guaranteed to reach their full potential! If you are interested in hosting your digital or hybrid events or have questions, please let us know. 

Deck 10 was pivotal in making ICMC 2021 a success, and we’re looking forward to using them for our hybrid ICMC 2022.

Dr. Kerry Hagan

President, International Computer Music Association

Deck10 understood all of our needs and produced the most technologically superior product available for online conferences.​

Dr. Julius Williams

President, International Conductors Guild

Engage your global audiences and maximize your impact.

Hybrid & Digital is the future.